MCQs on Pala Dynasty | QUIZ and Objective type questions answer

1. Who was the founder of the Pala Dynasty?

a) Gopala

b) Dharmapala

c) Mahipala

d) Devapala

Answer. a) Gopala was the founder of the Pala Dynasty, he founded the Pala dynasty in 750 CE.

2. Who was the second ruler of the Pala Dynasty?

a) Gopala

b) Dharmapala

c) Mahipala

d) Devapala

Answer. b) Dharmapala

3. What was the Initial capital of the Pala Kingdom during Gopal's reign?

a) Patliputra

b) Kamboka

c) Karnasubarna

d) Gauda

Answer. c) Karnasubarna was the initial capital of the Pala kingdom.

Gopala's capital was initially at Karnasubarna in present-day West Bengal. He was succeeded by his son Dharmapala, who further expanded the kingdom and shifted the capital to Pataliputra (modern-day Patna). 

4. Which Pala King shifted Pala capital from Karnasubarna to Pataliputra?

a) Gopala

b) Dharmapala

c) Mahipala

d) Devapala

Answer. b) Dharmapala;

Gopala's capital was initially at Karnasubarna in present-day West Bengal. He was succeeded by his son Dharmapala, who further expanded the kingdom and shifted the capital to Pataliputra (modern-day Patna). 

5. Which dynasty was not part of the "Tripartite struggle" of the 8th to 10th century?

a) Pala Dynasty

b) Rashtrakuta 

c) Chola

d) Gujara Pratihara

Answer. c) Chola was not part of the Tripartite struggle.

The Pratiharas, Rashtrakutas, and Palas were the primary parties involved in the Tripartite struggle. They fought for control over the fertile and strategically important region of Kannauj, which was considered a significant power center during that time.

6. Which of the following dynasty had the longest reign?

a) The Pratiharas

b) Palas Dynasty

c) The Rashtrakutas

d) The Senas

Answer. b) Palas ruled from the 8th century to the 12th century CE in Bengal and Bihar region

Pratiharas dynasty ruled from the 8th to 11th century in Northern India.

Senas was a Hindu dynasty that ruled Bengal from the 11th to 12 century.

Rashtrakutas ruled the 6th to 10th century in the Deccan region.

7. Which of the following dynasty ruled in Bengal and Bihar regions?

a) The Pratiharas

b) Palas Dynasty

c) The Rashtrakutas

d) Chola Dynasty

Answer. b) Palas Dynasty

8. Which dynasty revived the Nalanada University, and founded Vikramashila universities?

a) The Pratiharas

b) Palas Dynasty

c) The Rashtrakutas

d) Chola Dynasty

Answer. b) Palas Dynasty founded  Nalanda and Vikramashila universities.

Kumar Gupta of the Gupta dynasty founded the Nalanda Univeristy in 500 CE.

Dharmapala ( Pala Ruler) founded Vikramashila. 

In 1193 Bakhtiyar Khilji, who was the military general of Qutubuddin Aibak destroyed Nalanda and Vikramashila universities.

9. During which period, the Bengali language developed?

a) The Senas ( Hindu dynasty of Bengal)

b) Palas Dynasty

c) The Rashtrakutas

d) Chola Dynasty

Answer. b) Palas Dynasty

10. Who founded Vikramashila University?

a) Gopala

b) Dharmapala

c) Mahipala

d) Devapala

Answer. b) Dharmapala founded the famous Vikramashila University in the 9th century.

11. Who was known to be the king of the "Gauda" Empire?

a) Gopala

b) Dharmapala

c) Mahipala

d) Devapala

Answer. a) Gopala was known as the Gauda empire.


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