What is Polymer?
A polymer is a large molecule composed of repeating structural units known as monomers.
For example, Cellulose is a Polymer made of many Glucose ( Monomers).
Cellulose= Glucose + Glucose + Glucose + Glucose + ----.
The following are some examples of Polymers and their Monomers:
List -I: List II
(Polymer) : ( Monomers)
Cellulose/ Starch/Glycogen: Glucose
DNA/RNA: Nucleotide
Protein: Amino Acids
Natural Rubber: Isoprene
Synthetic Rubber (Neoprene): Chloroprene
PVC: Vinyl Chloride
Polythene: Ethene
Teflon: TetraFluoroethene
Bakelite: Phenol + Formaldehyde
Important Facts on Polymer:
- DNA or RNA is Polynucleotide Sachharide.
- Protein is a polypeptide of Amino Acids.
- Starch, Glycogen, or Cellulose are Polysaccharides of Glucose.
- Plants store their food in the form of Starch.
- Glycogen is the storage of polysaccharides in animals.
- Cellulose is mainly found in plant cells.
Bulletproof Polymer:
Kevlar and Lexan are two important polymers used in Bulletproof objects.
Polyamides ( Kevlar ) are used in making bulletproof vests.
Polycarbonates ( Lexan) are used for making bulletproof windows.
Non-Stick Cookware:
Teflon ( Thermoplastic) is used in making non-stick cookware.
Fire Proof Polymers:
Melamine ( Thermosetting Plastic) is used in making fireproof jackets, microwave utensils, and fireproof wire.
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